24/7 Hotline +49 69 87 001 777 info@germanairlogistics.com

Terms and Conditions

Dear Customers,

please find below our current Terms and Conditions applicable for every transport.
In case of questions, please reach out to us at mgmt@germanairlogistics.com

Best regards,

Your German Air Logistics Team

Date of last modification: NOV 2023

General Terms and Conditions for Transport Services by German Air Logistics GmbH

  • §1 Service Overview
    German Air Logistics GmbH (hereinafter “GAL”) specializes in providing air transportation services for cargo, encompassing both domestic and international freight. Our services typically cover the transportation from the pickup point to the departure airport and from the arrival airport to the final destination, commonly referred to as “door-to-door service.” International air transport adheres to international conventions like the Montreal and Warsaw Conventions.
  • §2 GAL’s Responsibilities
    GAL is committed to organizing transport as per the specifications regarding unit count, volume, dimensions, and weight provided by the client. Should any one or more of the initially provided details change, at any time, our quotation may not be valid anymore and is therefore subject to change. Efforts to transport smaller items as cabin hand carry are subject to airline policies. In the event of transport disruptions, GAL will promptly arrange alternative solutions and may engage the services of third-party subcontractors, but reserve the right to charge reasonable extra cost to clients.
  • §3 Client Obligations
    Clients must furnish GAL with all essential information and documentation relevant to transport, including invoices, packing lists, pickup- and delivery references as well as Dangerous Goods Declarations. The responsibility for adequate packaging compatible with air transport risks lies with the client. Non-compliance or misinformation from the client resulting in damages falls under the client’s liability. Clients are responsible for making the shipment available at the agreed time at the designated place, likewise it is the client’s obligation to receive or have received the shipment at the agreed destination, with no further delay at the end of the agreed transportation, or if agreed to, at another mutually agreed time. Waiting times and/or extra costs, directly or indirectly incurred, will be charged.
  • §4 Authorization for GAL
    Generally, all offers from GAL exclude customs clearance. In cases where GAL is requested to assist with customs clearance, GAL holds the authority to conduct customs clearance on the client’s behalf, with the client bearing all related expenses, including a 10% commission fee on advances made by GAL. For any other advances made by GAL on behalf of clients a 10% commission fee will be charged.
  • §5 Transport Acceptance Criteria
    GAL reserves the right to refuse transportation of items exceeding weight or dimension restrictions (32 kg and 158 cm in total dimensions) unless previously agreed upon. The transportation of restricted items, including hazardous materials, valuables, and perishable goods, is subject to specific conditions. GAL may inspect and verify compliance of items with these terms and the agreed transport conditions.
  • §6 Transport Complications
    Should obstacles arise making delivery to the recipient challenging or impossible, GAL will contact the client for further direction. The client is responsible for any additional costs incurred due to delayed guidance or necessary alternative actions. In case of delayed arrival of consignment caused by airlines, airport ground handlers, subcontractors of aforementioned, and customs/immigration officers GAL is entitled to charge extra cost.
  • §7 Exemptions under Force Majeure
    GAL’s obligations are suspended under conditions of force majeure, such as extreme weather, strikes, and unforeseeable events beyond GAL’s control, including war, political unrest, and confiscation risks along the transport route.
  • §8 Financial Terms
    Payment for invoices is due immediately upon receipt unless otherwise agreed. GAL’s service charges are deemed earned and due upon receiving the client’s explicit or implied confirmation. Cancellations post-confirmation but before cost accrual incur an 80% service charge.
  • §9 Limitation of Liability
    GAL’s liability is aligned with the airline’s liability under the Montreal Convention, with an exclusion for consequential damages, barring instances of intentional or gross negligence by GAL or its subcontractors.
  • §10 Insurance Responsibilities
    GAL’s service is subject to German Freight Forwarders‘ Standard Terms and Conditions 2017. Clients are advised to secure transport insurance. GAL can assist in procuring such insurance upon the client’s request and at the client’s expense.
  • §11 Legal Compliance
    GAL only engages in transportation of lawful merchandise or goods, properly packed and labelled, excluding any merchandise or goods of a dangerous, injurious, flammable or corrosive nature, that are not subjected to any internationally imposed trading boycotts or black listings, either on the merchandise or goods, or on the countries of origin or destination. Clients must adhere to all relevant laws and regulations, particularly those pertaining to export control, transportation of restricted or hazardous materials, and customs regulations.
  • §12 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
    The contractual relationship is governed by German law, in addition to the Montreal and Warsaw Conventions. Legal disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • §13 Amendments and Validity
    The invalidity of any part of these terms does not affect the validity of the remainder. Modifications or supplements to these terms require a written agreement. All our quotations are subject to the availability of couriers, drivers, flights, and booking class availability at the time of booking.

 German Air Logistics GmbH

GAL: Logo

The Squaire 12, Am Flughafen
60549 Frankfurt/Germany

Phone: +49 69 87001775
24/7 Hotline: +49 69 8700 1777
Mail: info@germanairlogistics.com

VAT-ID: DE 353495754

Company registration number: HRB127745

Managing directors:
Nicolas B. Kipping, Lothar Krieger, Felix Deutscher